My (Scandalous) Bookish Confessions


I’m here to confess.

(I’m sorry I recently finished watching Alias Grace and it rubbed off on me.)

But really, today’s post is about Bookish Confessions that might or might not be considered scandalous or unusual in our community. It will range from my preferences to popular books that I didn’t like or never started and so on.

I’m also going to put some stuff here to see if there’s anyone who relates to me, so I won’t feel like an absolute weirdo all the time. Thank you in advance, guys!




#1 : I have never reread a book in my entire life. 

I can feel you saying ‘oh god, is she mad? how could she be a real bookworm if she had never reread anything in her life??? does she even enjoy the books she reads?’. Well, guys, the thing is rereading doesn’t work for me because there’s a monster inside my head that is like ‘heeey, what are you doing rereading LOTR when you’ve got like 1000000 unread books on your shelves?’. You might understand now why I can’t enjoy rereading. Also, knowing everything that happens already (duh) doesn’t help rereading’s case. The only books that I’ve ever wanted to reread are The Winner’s Trilogy and that’s only because I’ve read all three in less than a week and I would love to read them more slowly. But the reasons mentioned above makes it difficult for me to start.


#2 : I can’t listen to audiobooks.


Okay, that sounds completely wrong. I can listen to audiobooks, I just can’t seem to ever finish them or get anywhere with those. I keep telling myself that it’s a matter of finding the right narrator, but what happens when you’ve tried 10 audiobooks and neither worked for you? I think it’s more about being unable to focus when someone else reads to me. My mind keeps going to other places and I just prefer to read the words myself. Maybe there will come a time when I’ll finally enjoy listen to audiobooks, but today is not that day.



#3 : I’m so bad at finishing series, it’s getting funny at this point.


I know I’ve mentioned it before, but maybe if I drag myself frequently on here, I will actually start finishing those series? No. Yeah, I thought it might not work this way. Anyway, I’m so bad at finishing series that I’ve created a shelf on GR with series I have to complete, so far I’ve checked off the list *wait for it* a total of 0 books. What a surprise. So, maybe drag and shade me too, so I can finally get some work done, what do you think?



#4 : I sometimes judge people based on the books they read.


I’m really sorry about this one. In my defense, I usually judge people who read very harmful books and don’t even see what is wrong with them. I can understand guilty pleasures, I have them, you have them, we all do. I can even understand not realizing how damaging a book is when you first read it, but when everybody is commenting on it, but you continue to say it’s totally alright and the most amazing book ever. It’s just too much for me. I will judge you.




#5 : I’m intimidated of huge and/or overhyped books.

I’ve read huge books in the past, but it’s usually kind of hard for me and I have to be in a certain mood (no uni projects or exams). I’m talking here of 600+ pages books, if it’s anything below this, I’m totally okay, bring it on! Overhyped books is even harder for me, I tend to have such high expectations for these books that I always postpone reading them because what if they are bad and I won’t enjoy them and then stop trusting everything and everyone? I’m overdramatic, of course, but you get the idea.



What are some of your bookish confessions? Are any of those similar to the ones I confessed to?




51 thoughts on “My (Scandalous) Bookish Confessions

  1. LittleIrishbookcat says:

    Great post 🙂 I to also maybe judge people on the books they read. Yes I also try no to but your right when people are praising and loving problematic books without acknowledging the problematic aspects I cringe a little inside. I mean I totally understand, sometimes the love is there I’m still a twilight lover but do I recommend this as the best book ever? Oh god absolutely not.

    I can listen to audiobooks myself but I have to admit I also have to be doing something( mainly a jigsaw) so my mind doesn’t wander. No matter how good it is my mind is overreactive and if I don’t have it multitasking I zone out and miss like half the book.

    My biggest bookish confession would be I spoil books on purpose sometimes 😳 I know I’m a Judas. I just getting to angsty and if I don’t have time to read it to find out I won’t function in everyday life. So I cheat a little. Though not on books I’m dying to read, sequels or arcs. I forbid myself then. And I’m getting better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thecursedbooks says:

      Audiobooks just seem to not be for me, I’m glad you can do it because it only means there’s still hope for my chaotic mind to focus at some point.
      Hahaha, I do that sometimes! I’d ponder on whether I should open the spoilers tag in GR to see what people didn’t like about that book. I usually regret doing it afterwards because it ruins the experience. But yes, I can relate! Thank you! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • LittleIrishbookcat says:

        It’s no problem 💕 I’m glad I’m not the only one who spoils sometimes 😅 Yes! Hopefulky one day you might find an audiobook that holds your attention. It is hard though so I feel you!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Dreamy Reads says:

    Wonderful Post! I myself can’t reread books, though my reasons are a bit different from yours. And I also get intimidated by long books. I don’t know why but I feel that I would not be able to complete them on time etc.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Fanna says:

    Hahaha, I loved this post! I haven’t re-read anything in my life ever either. Just can’t come to pick up a book I’ve already read which is why I either give away books or gift them because I know I won’t be reading it again. And of course, judging people by the books they read is the best possible way of being judgmental! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. theimaginedreality says:

    I love your bookish confessions! 🙂
    I actually thought I’m the only human on earth who can’t listen to audiobooks!!! I find it really hard to concentrate on the audio as well, I’ve no idea why but I feel like reading a physical copy of a book can stop my mind from drifting away.

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  5. 5171 Miles Book Blog says:

    I LOVE the WInner’s Trilogy! Well, I have only book 1 and 2 far but book is up next after my current read and I can’t wait!!!
    Oh, I sometimes do judge other people based on what read as well. I really shouldn’t but I do!! 😀
    I really loved this post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. livelovetravelx says:

    I’ve never re read a book either! I’m a huge fan of the HP series and I’ve never quite finished re reading the first book. I’ve never been interested in audio books either BUT started listening to Stephen Fry reading HP and it’s amazing! I can knit whilst listening and I seem to get lost in it!


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  7. Marie says:

    Oh this is a great post 🙂 I wouldn’t say that I never finish series, but…. I take an awfully long time to finally finish them, because there are so many books to be read in between…. Same reason why I rarely re-read books as well! It has happened, but since I started blogging, I got aware of so, so many books that… I just didn’t take time to take books and re-read them. It’s sad, really, because there are so many books I loved and would want to discover again. Oh, maybe sometime I’ll actually get into re-readin again ahah 🙂
    And oh, hype is sooo very scary, at times. It also made me discover some of my favorite books. Key is, not…let ourselves get too influenced by it and remember what we love and if we reallyyyy could like this book? This way of thinking worked for me so far 🙂 And post-poning is a GREAT idea as well, try and lessen your expectations ahha.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thecursedbooks says:

      Same here! I take a long time and there are some series that I might never finish because too much time have passed and I don’t remember anything from them.
      It’s just too much pressure for me when it comes to rereading. So many books, too little time. ❤ I agree with you, so many hyped books became my favourites and some of them not so much. It’s very important to know what you like and to be able to predict whether that book would be suitable for you. But sometimes it’s easy to just give in to the hype in order to find out what’s a book’s deal. 🙈 Thank you for commenting! ❤

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  8. becky2812 says:

    I agree with 1 & 2! I have tried to re-read books but never finish them, unless it’s a picture book for kids &I I’m reading it to my brother or a class! I’ve tried so many audiobooks, but I just can’t get into them!

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  9. Sophie @ Blame Chocolate says:

    Well, I think every bookworm could identify with at least some of these! I know I did hahaha
    I love audiobooks, though some of them don’t really do it for me and I end up just reading the book myself. But I can see your point.
    I also don’t re-read books for the same reason as you! It just feels like a bit of a waste of time (gasp!) although I do re-read some favorite passages once in a while. The Winner’s Trilogy is one of my favorites of all time so I totally see why that would be an exception 🙂
    Overall, I could really relate to this post so thanks for writing it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • thecursedbooks says:

      I’m glad you related to some of my confessions, now I’m feeling better about this whole thing! I’ve started reading Sleeping Giants and I really adore it so far, so I might (finally) be able to finish an audiobook! AWWWWW, come fangirl with me, please? I don’t fangirl with people about The Winner’s Trilogy as much as I would like. I think it’s such a beautiful and well-written series. ❤
      Thank you very much for your kind words and for commenting!


  10. Kathy @ Books & Munches says:

    I’m the same when it comes to audiobooks! I seriously cannot focus on those for the life of me. I end up doing stuff I need my brain for, so the story just passes by me without me actually taking in a word of it. I just. can’t. I’ve made my peace with it though, haha.

    I looooove huge books! I just feel like those books can really pull me in and not let go. Most of the time. Some of those tomes simply feel like torture after a while because it doesn’t seem to end and are maybe better cut up in different installments..

    As for rereading books; the only ones I’ve reread so far are the Harry Potters and The Mortal Instruments. I do want to reread certain books but.. I don’t know.. It always feels like I should be tackling my huge unread TBR instead of investing time in rereading? :’)

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  11. Poulami @ Daydreaming Books says:

    Who isn’t intimidated by overhyped books? I always am! So, high five! BUt wooooah, you have never re-read any books? Well, that’s not a problem as long as you are fine with it!
    I have only listened to 1 audiobook this far and I don’t think it’s my cup of tea but I have to say I’m preeetty good at finishing series! At least the ones I want to. xD
    Anyway, great post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  12. ioana @dragonwaffles says:

    I love this post and hey I’M GLAD I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE HERE DOING THIS!

    I am so scared of getting judged for what I read but that’s mostly because I do it too!! All the time with my not so bookish friends. I am a horrendous lizard I knowww. But I can’t help it if my friend is gushing about how good Anna Todd’s books are seriously.

    I’ve been horrible with re-reading lately but it’s my secrety guilty love from time to time. It’s also very specific since I only re-read CERTAIN books within a series. I am weird like that but I would LOVE to re-read some books sometime soon. (Cough *Lord of Shadows* cough)

    HA GLAD TO KNOW I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE ALLERGIC TO HYPE!! It almost always ends badly for me ugh.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thecursedbooks says:

      I’m dyyiiiing, what’s the thing with Romanian readers and Anna Todd?? I’ve seen even an old lady (60+ years old) getting this from the library. I’m glad you’re immune to Anna Todd, Ioana because I think her books are sending very awful messages to teenagers about how a relationship should work.
      Hahaha, that’s great! I’m glad you enjoy rereading! ❤


      • ioana @dragonwaffles says:

        I am immune to relationships in general NOTHING CAN GET ME don’t you worry. Also omg that granny!! Do you think she knows?? Maybe she got it accidentally in which case…that’d be akward…(I would also love to she her face when she finds out not gonna lie 😂).
        Am I a bit annoyed that someone my age is reading that and thinking it’s amazing and the epitome of romance? Yes. But I am hoping that my friend will grow up and mature….maybe…hopefully…sigh.

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      • thecursedbooks says:

        NOOO, she knew! She wanted to know if the fourth book had been released in Romania yet. Ah, those dramatic (rather abusive) relationships have been promoted so much in media that it’s easy for many people to normalize them and think that is what love means.

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  13. daniellethamasa says:

    Great post! And I understand the points you make for not rereading books, but every time I’ve reread a book I notice things that I missed or overlooked the previous time(s). And yeah, I think I kind of judge people based on the books they read too.

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  14. bibliofiles13 says:

    I seem to have a problem listening to audio books too. I don’t get it. I’ll just think about other things and before I know it the book is halfway over. I’m terrible. I bought one I think that I’ll be able to listen to without a problem because it’s a Alice Hoffman book, so wish me luck ! Fingers crossed. 🤔

    Liked by 1 person

    • thecursedbooks says:

      Good luck, I really hope you manage to do it! I’m also very close to finishing (for the first time ever) a audiobook, it’s called The Sleeping Giant! So far, it’s been so easy because they are mostly interviews and journals forms, so audio is probably best for this book anyway!

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  15. Kristina says:

    I’m not a fan of series of books either ! Which, id probably end up lost in the middle of it and lose interrest… I just typically never buy them 🤷🏽‍♀️ also not a fan of most « overhyped » books (mostly because of language issue .. but! Even if they were, 9 times out of ten, it won’t interrest me anyway)

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  16. tasya @ the literary huntress says:

    Love this post! I totally feel intimidated by huge books, the amount of time needed to finish it makes me shudders! I also can’t do audiobooks because my brain just seems can’t to focus… same with finishing series. Which is why I tend to not read series that has more than 5 books in it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • thecursedbooks says:

      Right??? 5+ books in a series seems like such a huge commitment and I hate to commit. I usually prefer to read series that already have all the books released, so I won’t have to wait years to have it completed. If I have to wait that much, I usually lose interest pretty quickly…


  17. Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks says:

    Wow, you’ve never reread anything 🙂 I actually don’t reread anymore either, but back when I was a teen, there was no internet, no Goodreads… and I had access to less books. I didn’t feel like I was drowning in them, and had absolutely no concept of a TBR 🙂 I used to reread back then… I’ve reread one book around 8 times, I think xD not sorry at all 😀

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  18. Marta says:

    I get you with the ‘re-reading books’ problem! Up until a few years ago, I used to only read in Portuguese and, let me tell you this, translated books (at least here) are pricey as hell. And that’s why I’ve re-read City of Bones and Divergent countless times – more than I care to admit, actually. They were two out of the few books I owned. Ever since I created my blog (& also started to read in English) that I’ve gotten more books and I’ve only re-read one book (it was Allegiant, and it was only because the movie release date was close – what a disappointment, btw – both book and movie.) I can’t concentrate on audiobooks for anything either! haha Guess you’re not so alone on your confessions after all 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • thecursedbooks says:

      Ah, I see! It’s the other way here in Romania, books in english are so much more expensive than the translated ones. I have to wait for price drops to get them all the time. And it sucks a lot because I prefer to read in English rather than Romanian… I’m with you about Allegiant, I’ve only watched Divergent and didn’t continue with the movies afterwards. HAhaha, yes, I was here hoping I’m being scandalous and it seems like I’m pretty normal. ❤

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  19. Marta says:

    I totally missed your comment, Evelina! I’m so sorry! 🙈 I was a huge bookworm when I was little like 10 years old, I was reading so many books on my own then. But when I was like 13 – 15 years old, I lost interest in reading because I couldn’t find the right books (I wad only reading romanian ones). Then, when I was in tenth grade, I found Goodreads and yeah, it was easier with that. I guess I already had GR when I fully started reading seriously.


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