Discussion : Am I Too Obsessed With Reading?


Hello, everyone! I think you’re all thinking I’m a bit out of my mind as you’re reading this title… I mean, I’m a reader, I’m a book blogger, that’s basically our thing – obsessing over books. But I am here to ask the right questions – am I too obsessed with books? Did I somehow cross the line between what’s normal for any bookworm and reading has taken over my life completely? Maybe. 

This post is totally inspired by everyone in my life. By my cousin who always complains about her older cousin that stays way too much on that ‘annoying’ blog instead of playing with her (forgive her, she’s not even 10 years old yet, she doesn’t understand), by my ex-friend who told me that I’d probably bring a book even to a date (PROBABLY AND I WOULD REGRET NOTHING) and ultimately by my parents, who are always creative about coming up with activities that can get me to do anything else besides reading (I love you, but we all know it’s not working).


It’s not like I’m not doing anything besides reading, because I do, my reading challenge where I’m behind with 20+ books should be proof enough of this. It’s that I don’t really enjoy anything as much as I enjoy reading.

My motto in life would be something among these lines : “Are you sad? Read a book. Are you happy? Read a book. Are you angry? WELL, guess what you should do? YOU SHOULD READ A BOOK.”.

Whenever I have my exam sessions I become even more aware of how important reading is to me. I never read during that period (at all or just a book in a full month) and I feel like something is totally missing from my life. It never feels like a break (as the non-readers in my life like to call it), it actually feels as a torturous time when I can’t do what I enjoy the most.

You know, reading is one of the few things that I do for me, for my enjoyment, it’s not an obligation, I don’t do it as a job, I don’t do it to impress other, I don’t even do it for my future. I do it because I LOVE READING. I love learning new things, I love how books can offer me comfort when nobody else can, I read to forget and to remember. I read because I want to. I read because I love connecting with characters and with readers who loved the same books as I did or disliked some that I disliked as well. This hobby gave me lots of things that I’m eternally grateful for : friends, tales that will stay with me forever, comfort. And I think that makes up for the periods where I’m too caught up in it that I don’t want to do anything else, but stay in my bed and read all day long.

So, am I obsessed with reading? YES. Is it bad? Depends on who you’re asking.

Some signs that you’re too obsessed with books and reading include : 

  1. Dreading conversations with non-readers about your reading routine and what reading means to you because they won’t understand and they’ll just give you a blank stare and think you’re weird.
  2. Spending days, weeks, maybe months agonizing over something that happened in a book (see: death characters, otps breaking up and more).
  3. Not even thinking about it when you have to chose between socializing/going out and reading. I mean, we all have our priorities straight here.
  4. Not having any problem with being left in your reading cave for a long time, alone, without human contact.
  5. Hating responsibilities that keep you away from reading.
  6. Is there anything else besides books in your life? Can you see your life without reading? If no, then congratulations! You’re as in deep as I am!


Bad stuff that happens when you’re too obsessed with reading (as told by non-readers in my life) : 

  1. You might neglect your people not because you don’t love them, but because you’re too caught up in reading and you forgot about everything else. (In my defense, there are days when I forget to eat and sleep properly because I’m reading a good book.)
  2. You might seem like an alien to people who haven’t discovered how amazing reading is (pagans, as I always call them).
  4. You always make weird references that nobody ever catches because they haven’t read said book. (if they did read said book as I told them to, they wouldn’t have this problem. NEXT, please!)
  5. You always cry about characters and complain about plot-twists and we never know what you’re talking about. (yeah, I can see how that looks bad, but what should I talk about???? I don’t know how to make small talk. I only know how to talk about my babies).

So, now that we established that there’s a huge rift between my opinion and the opinion of the non-readers in my life when it comes to READING. I want to hear your opinion on whether there’s such a thing as being too obsessed with books? Do you also get remarks from relatives and friends that you should read less from time to time, give them more attention and do something else that’s more “productive” in your free time?

Can’t wait to hear all about your experience as fellow bookworms.


Did you relate to my experience? 

Have you been called obsessed as well by the non-readers in your life? Do you think there’s such a thing as being too obsessed with reading? 




44 thoughts on “Discussion : Am I Too Obsessed With Reading?

  1. Lara says:

    Lol, I love reading, I love books. I’m a bit obsessed but it’s a good obsession, it’s a good money problem also haha, investing in books is better than gambling. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Vikki says:

    Totally obsessed which is a problem for my friends and family because literally none of them read. The only thing that they give me grief about though, is that I spend too much money on books – which is totally unfair because I barely buy 5-6 books a year and rely on libraries and NetGalley for the rest! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      OH, it seems like we’re on the same boat! They don’t give me that much grief about buying books, to be honest, because I always buy them on birthdays or holidays and then rely on ARCs and library books. I’m known to be very careful with spending money around, so that’s probably why they let me be.
      Thank you very much, Vikki! ❤ Glad you could relate!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Naty says:

    Such a relatable post!! I always find myself a little awkwardly explaining that I have a life outside of books when people ask how many I’ve read and I go like “oh, about 100… since January” and watch their chins drop in shock. Then I’m like “oh but a bunch of those are short books, and then I also listen to books on my way here and…” which is like, why should we explain ourselves?? Other people go to the gym 5x a week and get praised for it, but when we do it, we’re weird…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      YES, YES, YES! Thank you so much, Naty for pointing this out! My last roommate (with whom I didn’t go along at all because our personalities were just too different) told me at the end of the year something along the lines ‘that she’s sorry we couldn’t be friends because I’m too bookish’. And I was just staring at her dumbfounded because I couldn’t understand why that would be a reason not to be friends with someone.
      Btw, I’d totally be your friend and encourage you with your reading! ❤


  4. Marie says:

    Oh this is such an interesting discussion, Marta, I love it so, so much. I have asked myself the very same question, because I tend to be thinking about reading and books way too often, more often than I did before I started blogging, by the way and I think that blogging has made me even more obsessed though haha.
    I’m lucky enough that I didn’t get too many comments about my reading, since my family gets it and my sister reads a lot, too, but yeah… sometimes I just wonder if I’m too obsessed. Yet it’s a good obsession, because we learn so, so much from books, so in a way… I guess we’re okay? 😛
    Great post!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      Thank you so much, Marie! ❤
      I know, right? While I was busy with my exam session and couldn't read, my way to relieve the stress was browsing the bookish area from the supermarket nearby. I'm super obsessed, sometimes I wonder if I love books more than people (besides the closed ones) and most of the time, the answer is affirmative.
      You're really lucky that you're not the only bookworm in the family. I'm the only bookworm in the family and they're always making jokes about it. I suppose that's what you get for being the only Ravenclaw in a family full of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Marie says:

        Making JOKES? okay, WHO DO I NEED TO FIGHT, I will do it. You’re passionate and your passion is totally valid. I’m glad you’re here among a community of reading-obsessed people now 😛


  5. Lily @ Sprinkles of Dreams says:

    Ohh I love this discussion, Marta!

    I honestly ask myself this all the time, and whenever I’m not reading, I always feel like I’m wasting time, and should be? And especially being on Goodreads, and blogging has made me think even more about books, writing reviews, and reading more books, haha.

    If there’s such a thing as too obsessed, I probably am. 😛

    Amazing post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      Thank you very much, Lily! ❤ Glad you liked it!
      SAME! And I’d tell people around me, “heeey, I haven’t read in a while, I’m feeling so bad about it” and they don’t really understand why I’d feel bad for not reading. I’m really down about not having bookish friends in real life 😢
      Me too! But at least, we can comfort ourselves that we’re not alone in this situation. I think that’s why I wrote this post in a way 😂


    • Marta says:

      YES, they do! To be honest, they don’t do it all that much anymore because they’re used to it at this point. But when I was in high-school and used most of my free time reading, they’d always ask questions like “how can you read for so many hours??? Don’t you want to go outside for a bit?”
      In their defense, they prefer the outside and I’m more of a homebody, so we always clash here.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bree says:

        Ahhh that makes sense. If they aren’t readers and prefer being outside more, I can see how they’d think it’s unusual.

        It was the opposite in my house. My mom is a huge bookworm and loved seeing my sibs and I sitting around reading.


  6. Kat Impossible says:

    I can relate to that so much. My parents complain about my number of books as well and I have friends I just don’t know how to talk to anymore, because our interests keep diverging from each other. (There is one friend who doesn’t read, doesn’t stream TV shows and asked me – what do you do with a blog? What is it even good for? And after I explained it she said “I still don’t get it.” LIKE WHAAAT?) But I don’t think it’s too much .. well, you should eat and sleep properly, but reading is YOUR thing. And you can find like-minded people through reading.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      But what does your friend do for enjoyment??? I’ve always wondered with these people who don’t watch movies, tv shows, never read books, rarely listen to music. What else is there to do to enjoy yourself?
      Reading definitely is my thing and I’m glad that I’ve found so many amazing like-minded people through it, like you, for example 🙃
      Also, I’m sorry about your parents!!! Mine aren’t that bad about me having too many books, they’re more likely to comment on the time I spent doing it 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kat Impossible says:

        I honestly don’t know! They like to go out for a drink and chat with people??? I know she does listen to music, or at least she used to.
        My parents aren’t that bad about my book buying problem and I do have a lot of unread copies still haha

        Liked by 1 person

  7. anna says:

    great post, marta! and by those standards, im DEFINITELY obsessed with reading lmao,, im lucky enough tho to be born into a family of bookworms. we don’t even think abt it, we just buy each other books as presents lke 85% of the time………… it’s worse tho when someone asks what u like to do for fun and…… ummm……….. i mean……………..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      Thank you very much, Anna! ❤
      That's so cute, I'll keep giving my mom some books to read, maybe she'll cave in, after all! Hahaha, I know what you mean, at this point I'm used to the reactions, they are a bit funny at this point.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. SERIESous Book Reviews says:

    I didn’t notice how much I read until I got a full time job and saw how that impacted my reading stats every month (ie it decreased). I used to be caught up in reading “all the books” and would have crazy holds at the library (30+ at a time). But since I’ve become a book blogger (5 years ago), I’ve worked really hard on toning it down a bit. I still read a lot, but I don’t need to read all the time–I’ve learned to put the book down when I need to 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      Same happened with me with college, I’m a bit worried about how work will affect my reading routine because I know that I’ll have to limit my time even more. It sucks, but that’s life. Ohh, 30+, really? They don’t even let us get more than five books at a time at the library. I feel like book blogging made me even more obsessed, I might read less because I need time to write posts and interact with people, but I’m thinking even more about books.

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  9. Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

    I don’t know if anyone has ever used the word ‘obsessed’ but a lot of people do remake on how much I read. Reading is just something I love but you could say the same for people who get into things like sports and football (personally I know way too many people who are obsessed with football, and I have nothing to talk to them about it seems).
    I’d bring a book on a date too, and I wouldn’t regret it! 😀
    Great post as well. 🙂 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      You’re a lucky one, you must be surrounded by nice people who respect reading, hahaha! ❤
      I understand what you mean, lately I'm getting worse and worse at talking to people who don't have many hobbies in common with me. Probably because I'm bad at small talk.
      I KNOW RIGHT? It's just so good, I want to have a reading date, it sounds so cute ❤
      Thank you very much, Beth! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

        Ha, yeah you’re probably right about that.
        Oh I’m bad at small talk too so I really get what you mean. It’s hard enough to start conversations with people, let alone when you don’t have something in common with them.
        Reading dates should so be a thing, that would be so cool. 😀
        That’s all right. 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  10. NeriSiren says:

    Oh, I was definitely criticized when I was younger for reading instead of socializing, or for reading the “wrong” books (i.e. anything other than the classics), or for daydreaming too much, or for getting too invested in fictional worlds and getting too upset when something unfair happens to a character and the story doesn’t give them relief in the end… I just really care about these characters, ok???


  11. Caro @ bookcheshirecat says:

    This is such a great discussion post! Reading is one of my main hobbies and I’ve figured out that a LOT of my hobbies have to do with books: reading, blogging, writing … it all comes back to books, which is great, but also scared me a bit. It would be great to do something else too, you know? For me this might be baking, watching more TV Shows and getting to those adult coloring books, as it’s soo relaxing 🙂


  12. lifeinkarolingston says:

    If you love reading so much.. I think it is totally healthy and normal. I love books too. And while reading this post I was thinking which book character you could be and maybe Anne of Green Gables? 😊


  13. Charvi says:

    This is so very accurate. My family is almost fed up with my reading and I’m not even reading 24/7 😦

    They just don’t get it and then seem to think I only talk about books and it really frustrated me… I’ve actually never met anyone who is as obsessed with books as I am so sometimes I really do feel it’s just me who is this much obsessed…

    Love this post!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Pamela Nicole says:

    There was definitely a time where I was very absorbed in everything bookish. I remember a particular year, 2012, when I would finish a book in two to three days max and then immediately move on to the next one. If I wasn’t doing anything important, like eating, showering, sleeping, or doing an exam, I was reading. It was intense, but gratifying. I also did neglect a lot of other aspects in my life.

    I miss that time because it was SO uncomplicated. It can take from a day to a month now, depending on my mood, my college classes, and my overall energy because of all the projects I’m juggling. I’m still obsessed with books, but now, ironically I think I read less but do other book-related stuff that keep fueling the obsession XD

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      Ah, I think this reading frenzy happened later to me as I started reading religiously in high-school. I didn’t read a lot during middle school, therefore high school was a period of reading, reading and more reading. And now in college, I still read a lot, though with blogging and projects, I can see it toned down a lot.
      I agree that college is super exhausting :-/ I’m dreading work and how there’s going to be even less time to read and do what I like.
      Thank you! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Amy says:

    Found this post after I contemplated taking a random Thursday day off from my senior level job so I could finish a trilogy. I’m instead not even allowing myself to pick the third book from the library until Friday afternoon so I wouldn’t be tempted…. I am glad I have something in life to be passionate about, I get a lot of weird looks when describing my love of reading.


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