My Tentative Fall TBR


Hey, everyone! I’m Marta and I’m back with a to-be-read pile of books that I hope I will read in the months of October and November. I should have probably put up this post back in September, but I usually spend that month being in denial about summer being gone and fall starting, so yeaaaah.

October is my birthday month, which means getting some new books and spoiling myself with reading a lot without feeling guilty about avoiding my college responsibilities.

You might remember that I’ve done a similar post during summer (here), sadly I’ve only read 2 books out of 11 books on that to-be-read list – but that’s still something when it comes to me, the moodiest reader that ever existed. However, I really hope I will do better this fall, fingers crossed for me, I’m awaiting all your support!

Now, let’s get into the actual TBR!


#1. The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker

37969723A retelling of Iliad from the perspective of the women who were involved, this time becoming main characters and narrators of the story? Well, I’m surely interested. I’ve only heard great things about it and I don’t know how this could go wrong.

It has the perfect formula to become my next favorite.

Also, Achilles’ toxic personality is being discussed and I adore it because I love Miller’s version, but even so, he’s still a bit too much for me, at times.

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#2. The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth  


I’m actually going to buddy-read this one with Kat @Life and Other Disaster and I’m very excited because this is going to be our first buddy read and The Miseducation of Cameron Post is a book that I’ve been dying to read for a while now.

Also, I’m super thrilled to watch the movie afterwards, has any of you watched it? If so, write your opinion of it in the comments (without spoilers, please!!).

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#3. City of Ghosts by V.E.Schwab 



Schwab’s little book seems so intriguing, I’ve read a bit from it already and I loved the parts that I got to see. I might switch up things and read Vengeful instead, I’ll see what mood I am into, but I feel like both books are very autumnal.

I can’t believe Schwab released so many books in such a short period of time, I don’t know how she manages to write so fast. She’s probably a bookish goddess.

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#4. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng



I have no idea what this is about besides reading some reviews that made it sound spectacular, but I trust Celeste Ng with my life ever since I’ve read Everything I Never Told You, I adore her writing and the way she weaves the plot-lines to create such enigmatic stories.

This is one that I’m really thrilled about reading, I don’t know what to expect, but I hope I will love it completely.

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#5. Dare Me by Megan Abbott 



If you remember my review of Give Me Your Hand by the same author, you know that I’ve completely fallen in love with Abbott’s writing. Everybody has been raving about this book as well, the way Megan Abbott writes complex female friendships will keep you on the edge, you’ll always want to know more about the characters. And this one sounds very interesting with murder and cheerleaders. Sign me up!


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#6. We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson  



I’ve actually listened to an audiobook sample of this one and I was very intrigued with the plot and the writing, but I think I’d prefer this one as an e-book. I’ve never read a YA book about aliens because it’s a bit out of my comfort zone, but this one sounds spectacular and I loved how honest the narrator seemed. I think this is totally my cup of tea, I hope I won’t be disappointed as I’m predicting a five-star read.


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#7. Made You Up by Francesca Zappia


I’ve talked about this one in my guest post on Marie‘s blog – you can check it here if you want – it’s about how books can help combat the stigmas around mental health and it’s a blog post that I’m quite proud of. It would make me very happy if you did check it out.

Anyway, Zappia made me so happy with Eliza and Her Monsters, this one sounds equally brilliant and with a great schizophrenia rep.


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Other books that I would love to read : 


I’m screaming about that ARC of 99 Percent Mine because ever since The Hating Game was released I couldn’t think of anything else, but the next book Sally Thorne will write. I’m so happy about getting one from Edelweiss. The Fifth Season is also one of those books that I’ve always been curious about, but never got the chance to sit down and actually read it. Maybe this fall, I will.


Did you read any of the books on my list? Which one would you recommend to me?

What is on your fall TBR list?


32 thoughts on “My Tentative Fall TBR

  1. Marie says:

    This is a great TBR! I’ve been really curious about Little Fires Everywhere, too, I’ve only heard amazing things about this book so far. And I really want to read Made You Up, too, since I loved Eliza and Her Monsters 🙂
    And You Asked For Perfect, I am so, so, so, so hyped about this book. I can’t wait to be able to read it next year. ❤
    Happy reading! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      Thank you very much, Marie! ❤
      I'm very excited for Made You Up for the same reason as you are, I really hope I'll love it as much or even more than I loved Eliza and Her Monsters! I've actually started You Asked For Perfect and it's so relatable – it has a protagonist that's an overachiever and feeling so much pressure from academic performance. I think you'll love it as well ❤
      Same to you!!! ❤ I hope you have an amazing reading month!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Marie says:

        You’re so lucky. I’ve been denied for this book everywhere and I’ve never been more sad about something haha. I’m glad you’re enjoying it! Thank you 😀


    • Marta says:

      Hey, Priyasha! ❤
      Thank you very much, I really hope I'll be able to stick to it because there are so many amazing books on my TBR. Happy reading to you too!


    • Marta says:

      Thank you very much, Raven! ❤
      I really hope I'll love City of Ghosts, it seems perfect for me, I'm very excited to read another book by V.E.Schwab.
      Thank you and the same goes to you! I hope you have an amazing month! ❤


      • Mel says:

        Yay, I just bought those to try out so I’m glad to hear you liked them! I’ve been nervous about it because she’s so hyped but hopefully I’ll enjoy both/all 🙂


    • Marta says:

      Give Me Your Hand was sooooo good, Abbott’s writing is exceptional, can’t wait to get into Dare Me. And the cover is gorgeous 😍
      Thank you very much! ❤ Happy reading to you too!


    • Marta says:

      I’m very excited to read Little Fires Everywhere because everyone has been praising it and I think Ng is a very good writer, so I have huge expectations out of that one ❤
      Happy reading 😍

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ellie says:

    I loved the Cam Post movie! They’ve focused only on a section of the book, which I think works really well, but it’s very moving, kind of dark, but funny as well. I hope you love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      I’m glad you loved the movie and it sounds like reading the book would be a different experience overall from watching the movie ❤
      I’m even more excited now about reading the book and watching movie ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Marta says:

      No, I knew about The Silence of the Girls for a long time and pre-ordered it ❤ We are the Ants is a book I’ve been curious about for sooo long, I’m so happy I’m getting to finally read it ❤
      Happy reading and good luck! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

    Oh good luck with this TBR list for Autumn Marta. I really hope you enjoy City of Ghosts, I love all of V.E. Schwab’s books and am definitely in awe at how many she releases each year (not that I’m complaining, the more books she releases the better in my opinion). Also I’ve read Eliza and Her Monsters and have added Made You Up to my to-read list (I still need to get around to it but one day for sure). Hopefully the mental illness rep in Made You Up is as amazing as it is in Eliza and Her Monsters.
    Great post, and happy reading. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Catarina @ Pages & Plots says:

    What a diverse TBR! I actually haven’t read any of the books on your list but I would say the one I’m more excited to read is The Fifth Season, I NEED to read that series.


  5. Caro @ bookcheshirecat says:

    I love your seasonal TBR’s! 😍 I actually didn’t plan to read City of Ghosts, but the more I think about it, the less sure I get, because it sounds very much spooky and perfectly appropriate for Halloween 🎃 I did read Vicious last week and I fell in LOVE 😍💕💗 I’m very excited for Vengeful too! … but I want more books after that 😱


  6. may says:

    this is such a great list! fall books are so great and you’ve got some real gems here! city of ghosts was such a fun, easy read, i’m sure you’re going to fly through and enjoy it the whole way. I SCREAMED when i saw little fires everywhere, i just finished it last month and OH MAN! its not like your conventional thriller BUT IT WAS SO WELL WRITTEN AND DEVELOPED AND ENTERTAINING an actual masterpiece, i was so impressed with it.

    made you up is such a fantastic book and i love it with all my heart, i hope you love it as much as i do!

    good luck with your fall tbr, i cant wait to see what you think of these books ❤❤


  7. Louise ☆ says:

    Good luck with your TBR! I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about City of Ghosts so I may have to give it a go sometime. And I’ve got Warcross on my TBR in time for Wildcard, so hopefully, I can get to it if I enjoy the first book 🙂

    Happy birthday month! 🙂


  8. Lucie @ Wishes and Pages says:

    This is a great TBR! I’ve read The Silence of the Girls in your list and I adored it so much, it made me want to read more mythology retellings for sure. I’m also planning on reading City of Ghosts near Halloween, it sounds perfect for it and I’m so excited about it being set in Scotland. Have a nice day! 🙂


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